Family Law Assistance Project (FLAP) Clinic
Oakland County Friend of the Court building
230 Elizabeth Lake Rd
Pontiac, MI 48341
Estados Unidos
Who Should Attend?
Individuals with low income, who are U.S. Citizens or eligible undocumented immigrants; who need legal services in Oakland Country or live in Oakland County; whose circumstances are related to a domestic Personal Protection Order (PPO) or family law issues such as divorce, custody, parenting time, child support, minor guardianship; etc.; and who are not represented by an attorney.
Those with a domestic violence conviction or plea or have been the respondent in a Personal Protection Order MUST complete a domestic violence screening prior to meeting with Lakeshore Legal Aid staff. This screening takes place at the clinic from 12:00 to 2 p.m. on Lakeshore intake dates.
If you are determined not to be eligible for Lakeshore services, you will be provided additional resources. If you do not wish to participate in the domestic violence screening you may receive legal services through other providers in Oakland County. Please use the Guide to Legal Help to receive contact information for a legal services office or lawyer referral service in your county.
What information do you need?
- Print and complete intake forms to bring to the clinic: Clinic Intake Form
- Bring all case/court relevant documents to the clinic.
- If you have a Court deadline prior to the next clinic date, you should call (888) 783-8190.
Clients are served on a first-come first-serve basis until the clinic is full starting at 12:00 pm; must sign in before 3:00pm to meet with an attorney that same day.
For more information, contact: