MSU Sexual Assault Program

The MSU Sexual Assault Program provides immediate crisis intervention and advocacy services to women and men who have been impacted by rape or sexual assault. Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Services available include: a 24-hour hotline; 24-hour medical advocacy; and legal advocacy. These services are available to survivors of sexual assault and their non-offending significant others.

Condados relacionados

Horarios de oficina

Dom: Cerrado
Mon - Vie: 12:00 pm-9:00 pm
Sáb: Cerrado
24-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line
(517) 372-6666

Información de contacto

556 East Circle Dr. Room 14
East Lansing, MI 48824
Estados Unidos

Teléfono: (517) 355-3551
Teléfono gratuito: (517) 372-6666