Do-It-Yourself Health Care Power of Attorney

Use the Do-It-Yourself Health Care Power of Attorney to name someone to make decisions about your physical and mental health care if you can't make those decisions for yourself. You can download the easy-to-use form below. After you fill out the form, it is ready to print. Your Health Care Power of Attorney is valid as soon as it is properly filled out, signed, and witnessed by at least two other people.  

To learn more about health powers power of attorney, read Making a Health Care Power of Attorney or the extra information in the form below. 

This form was created by Kimble Center for Legal Drafting at WMU -- Cooley Law School(link is external) and shared here with their permission.

What's Next Text

Text 2200 to (734) 275-2201(link is a phone number) to learn about next steps for Health Care Power of Attorney.

You’ll get text messages reminding you of deadlines and giving you information about what to do next to address your legal problem.