Alerta de Violencia en el Hogar

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Women's Resource Center - Northern Lower Michigan

The Women's Resource Center provides education, support, counseling, housing and advocacy - through community collaboration - to end domestic and sexual violence and promote an equitable, safe environment for all.

The WRC provides comprehensive domestic and sexual violence services, including:

  • Crisis intervention through a toll-free crisis line and on-call staff
  • Emergency shelter; transitional and permanent supportive housing
  • One-on-one and group support for survivors
  • Support for families of survivors
  • Facilitated educational/behavioral groups for perpetrators of domestic violence
  • Referrals to other area resources and agencies for assistance with financial
  • Counseling, legal, housing and other needs
  • Advocacy with other agencies or resources when needed, including assistance with personal protection orders and support in the criminal and civil justice systems
  • A teen parent program
  • A child advocacy program.
Condados relacionados
Grand Traverse

Horarios de oficina

Emergency and shelter services are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Non-residential services are available weekdays, with extended hours in the evenings.

Información de contacto

720 S. Elmwood, Ste. 2
Traverse City, MI 49684
Estados Unidos

Teléfono: (231) 941-1210
Teléfono gratuito: (800) 554-4972