Domestic Violence Alert

Safety Alert! Your computer use or use of another electronic device and your search history could be monitored by someone else. If you are afraid that your internet and/or device use might be monitored, please use a safer device, like a computer at a library or self-help center, and/or contact a domestic violence organization for help. To learn more about online safety, visit Security Planner.

Caring House

Caring House is a domestic violence and sexual assault center offering temporary housing and other support services for victims of domestic violence. Caring House offers the following services to residents of Dickenson and Iron Counties:

  • Individual Counseling:  Short term counseling.  Counseling is also available for the families of victims.
  • Support Groups:  Support groups are available for abused or formerly abused women, rape victims, teen victims of sexual assault, adult survivors of sexual abuse.
  • Information and Referrel:  To appropriate legal, medical and social services.
  • Advocacy: Support and guidance through other agencies and the judicial system.
  • Emergency Transportation:  To the shelter or medical care.
  • Community Education: Speakers will provide information to schools, churches, clubs, service organizations or to any interested persons.  Prevention programs are available to the community.
Related Counties

Office Hours

Crisis hotline (906) 774-1112.  Shelter available 24 hours.  

Contact Info

1305 Prospect Ave.
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
United States

Toll Free: (906) 774-1112